Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Missional Ministry Modes

I’m currently reading The Shaping of Things to Come by Michael Frost and Alan Hirsch. This appears to be an excellent blend between theory and practical ideas.

One helpful section lists four ways that missional congregations are seeking to partner with God as he works in their communities:
  • Proximity Spaces,
  • Shared Projects,
  • Commercial Enterprises &
  • Indigenous Faith Communities.
Proximity spaces are places (or events) where Christians and not-yet-Christians can have meaningful interaction. Examples include cafés, coffee houses and even pubs.

Shared projects are cooperation between Christians and an existing community activity where Christians and not-yet-Christians can develop relationships. Instead of starting their own ministries, these congregations are participating with community organizations to provide services to the community.

Commercial enterprises are effective ways to do ministry. Many communities are not interested in a new church, but they might be interested in a new business that invests in their community. This business then becomes the vehicle for ministry.

Indigenous faith communities are small congregations that grow out of the other ministries. Many would call these communities house churches. They are made up of the converts and inquirers produced by these ministries.

The years ahead will be exciting for those who pay attention to what God is doing in their community and who are willing to step outside the traditional ways of “doing church.”

Pastor Rod

“Helping you become the person God created you to be”


Missional Jerry said...

These are some good thoughts.

How can we begin to cultivate them in our churches?

Pastor Rod said...


I don't think there is an easy answer to that. But as Ed Stetzer said in one of his books, those who want to reach their communities with the good news will find a way to do it. The key, I think, is looking for what God is already doing.
